Palawa kani

Palawa Kani
palawa kani
Spoken in Tasmania
Native speakers native: none  (date missing)
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3 xtz

Palawa kani is a reconstructed language; an ongoing project which aims to create a generic language, resembling the extinct languages once spoken by the Tasmanian Aborigines (Palawa).



The original Tasmanian languages became extinct in 1905 when the last native speaker died. As part of community efforts to retrieve as much of the original Tasmanian culture as possible, efforts are made to (re)construct a language for the indigenous community. Due to the scarcity of records, Palawa kani is being constructed as a composite of the estimated 6 to 12 original languages.

Theresa Sainty and Jenny Longey were the first two "language workers" to work on the project in 1999.


The project employs various sources such as:

Another source of material for the project is community knowledge where a surprising amount of words, phrases and snippets of lore have survived. The reconstruction project also uses linguistic data of related mainland native languages if necessary.

State of the language

Developed in conjunction with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, community ownership of the language is maintained for the time being. The language project is entirely community based and the language is not taught in state schools but at various after school events, organised camps and trips. There is obvious enthusiasm for the language especially among younger people and an increasing number of people are able to use the language to some extent, some to great fluency. Lutana Spotswood famously gave a eulogy in palawa kani at the funeral of the Tasmanian Premier Jim Bacon.

Palawa kani is also used on a number of signs in Tasmanian National Parks and Kunanyi has been accepted as an official name for Mount Wellington and the Asbestos Range National Park is now known formally as Narawntapu National Park.


Palawa kani is an isolating language with an SVO structure. It appears to have nouns, verbs and adjectives. Adjectives precede the noun and neither nouns nor adjectives are marked for number, e.g. nayri kati "good number(s)". Negations precede the verb, e.g. putiya makara "not stop".

No capital letters are used in native texts, but when used in English, place names such as Kunanyi are often capitalised.


The word mapali "many" doubles up as a plural suffix for some pronouns and possessives.

mina I, me
nina you
waranta we
nara-mapali they

Possessives can take directional affixes such as -tu "to(wards)", e.g. mana-mapali-tu "to our" or -ta "on" e.g. nika-ta "on their".

Possessive Pronouns

Possessives follow the noun, for example milaythina mana "our land".

mana my
nanya your
mana-mapali our
your (pl.)
nika their


Other vocabulary

Place names


The number system is decimal in nature and has no irregular forms. In composed numerals, stress falls onto the first numeral.




Text samples

This sample is a eulogy by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Language Program first used at the 2004 anniversary of the Risdon Cove massacre of 1804.

ya pulingina milaythina mana mapali tu Greetings to all of you here on our land
mumirimina laykara milaythina mulaka tara It was here that the Mumirima people hunted kangaroo all over their lands
raytji mulaka mumirimina It was here that the white men hunted the Mumirimina
mumirimina mapali krakapaka laykara Many Mumirimina died as they ran
krakapaka milaythina nika ta Died here on their lands
waranta takara milaythina nara takara We walk where they once walked
waranta putiya nayri And their absence saddens us
nara laymi krakapaka waranta tu manta waranta tunapri nara. But they will never be dead for us as long as we remember them.

The second sample is from the interpretation boards in Kunanyi Park.

milaythina nika milaythina-mana This land is our country
pakana laykara milaythina nika mulaka Aboriginal people ran over this land to hunt
pakana-mapali krakapaka milaythina nika And many died here
tapilti larapuna, tapilti putalina From Eddystone Point, to Oyster Cove
tapilti kunanyi, tapilti tayaritja From Mount Wellington to the Bass Strait Islands
waranta takara milaythina nara takara We walk where they walked
nara taymi krakapaka waranta-tu waranta tunapri nara And they will never be dead for us as long
milaythina nika waranta pakana As long as we remember them
waranta palawa, milaythina nika This country is us, and we are this country

See also


External links